Anyone Coulrophobic?Afraid of clowns, in case coulrophobia isn’t a word that’s come across your desk before! It’s one that’s just far enough off that if I heard it out of context and didn’t already know I’d be like “what?”Anyway, that is to say, as long as you’re not afraid of clowns I think you’ll love […]
It was a big lie, there’s actually a lot of GIFs in here, LOL. I made these a little while ago before I’m posting this, so I honestly forgot how many of them there were. So there’s a couple higher tiers’ worth of GIFs to get through, actually.
PYSCH of course I did more! I was really feeling how this was looking, with the phone in frame …. so I made GIFs, and I filmed too!
Except I have never been described as Demure or Mindful, and I likely never will be. lol Which is good for you, because it means that I did photos like these! And honestly I should do more, I really like these photos. Maybe something with some much better lighting. Hhhhmmmmm. Much to consider!
I had a few people ask if I’d grow out a bush, and honestly I thought “huh, that sounds like it’d be easy” so I agreed. Honestly, I think I’d love having some more hair if it was a much lighter colour, lol. The dark hair doesn’t go with my aesthetic. I put up with […]
Another year! I know that I’m getting old, because I keep being like “what do you mean it’s Halloween? What do you mean it’s my birthday? What do you mean it’s 2024?” Things really do just keep happening, huh? ANYWAY. I finally did a cosplay in time for Halloween this year that’s been on my […]
Because, of course, I’m basically addicted to making GIFs these days. To be honest, I’ve been liking them especially because I haven’t been having to worry about whether there’s a screaming cat in the background. I’ve been having bad luck with them deciding to scream their way through my photo shoots, recently.
Different lighting on different sides of the room and wow, you were in two completely separate areas! lol This side can just be the Witch King coming out of his crypt. (Which of course has my brain just going COMING OUT OF MY CRYPT AND I’VE BEEN DOING JUST FINE. Especially with that first picture. […]
I love a set! I missed a set! Didn’t have one last month and it broke my heart a little bit, because stuff like this is what really fills my cup. I do like doing photos at home, because I don’t have such strict time constraints (which I need for when I’m doing my own […]