The Duos! And a surprise Trio, actually! Unfortunately Gillian got called away so we only got a couple of photos of the group, but I’m so pleased that we at least got these! Getting cosplay groups together is Hard. There are a lot more Duos to go, though, don’t you worry.
How About Without the Editing?Ok, that’s just a little bit of a lie, I do have some editing on these, I wasn’t actually wearing panties.
Wanted to Make Sure these are PostedI honestly can’t remember right this second whether I put these in the last content roundup or not? But you’re getting it again if I did because goddamn I love these. Very gender for me. So you’re gonna have to just suffer through it, ok? Ok.Light, from Death Note! […]
Turns Out Hakama Pants are Really Easy AccessYou can keep the front on perfectly and just let the back drop open — you can even do it accidentally! Which I have absolutely done when I didn’t put them on correctly. You see that little white tab hanging out? Very important to tuck that into the […]
The Proper Okita PhotosetBecause I’m a GIGANTIC baby and could literally never shoot an outdoor photoset anywhere but a private back yard where I have permission. So I rented a studio with a little corner that looked like a fake shower, and then dragged all of the plants in the studio over to it, so […]
After Okita was FinishedEventually, I nutted up and just finished up Okita with the blood stains. It took the majority of two days — as you can imagine, there was a lot of drying time, and like 2-4 layers of blood weathering. The Sleeves are HUGE (roughly double the size of the ones in the […]
Yakuza Husband but Edo PeriodWould y’all believe that Sega made a Yakuza game where it took all of their existing characters, gave them historical samurai names, and then had them start the Meiji Reformation?Yeah, me neither, but I played it and it was AMAZING. There’s nothing that beats the game selling karaoke as a new […]