I couldn’t help but put this on Lio, it reminded me just enough of his costume that I couldn’t get it out of my head, so I obviously had to do it. But a lot of it, two whole shoots. Are you ready? (I don’t think you can be, for the record.)
Almost caught up with all of these excellent views of the improvement that I’ve made to Lio’s costume — you’re welcome, Trigger. You can have this first one on the house.
As much as I enjoy going down memory lane, I’m just so pleased to have bleached my eyebrows now, and gotten better at makeup. So without further ado, back to these ones that LXE took of me!
And every day, in a lot of cases — but especially when we’re talking about lingerie!
I hope you’re all ready for me to just re-shoot like all of my boy characters in lingerie, because I amliving with these! Which ones should I get to first?? I’m honestly paralyzed for choice.