I need to remember to do a lot more close ups because I LOVE them. I should have done a bunch in the Yoga Pants, I don’t know why I didn’t. I could even hold my camera at the same time! Well, there’s something to revisit when we’re done Halloween, I guess!(I actually found something […]
It sure has been a little bit of A Month for me, but don’t worry — there’s going to be so much bullshit up for Halloween this year. You know how I fucking love Halloween. And we’re building the Blood Pool at Dangerous Ladies again this year. I really do mean We, but I’m really […]
I thought about breaking them up into different posts, but then I decided since I’ve just been dropping these as I write them instead of writing a batch and scheduling one a day, it’s all going in one dang post! So let’s start with some more jeans~ And of course — the jeans had to […]
Did I say that last month with the yoga pants look? I full on don’t remember, LOL. I could scroll back and look, but am I going to? Absolutely not.So you’ll have to tell me — is it just me, or is there something so sexy about some really casual pants, almost falling off? I […]
You maybe should have seen it coming, considering I do a lot of these photos lately! Funny story: when I used to do circus stuff, the main people I trained with were actually really shitty, lol. In retrospect, they were threatened by me, but at the time I didn’t realize that. The main woman I […]
We really Stan less thong around here! I wanted to wear the smaller one to begin with, but I also wanted some of the photos to hopefully be safe for Instagram. Meta, robbing us of excellent things yet again! I’ll try and remember to use one of the tiny bikinis again soon, though!
Always, always, always! … Especially when I have that much wig on. Imagine trying to get the crop top off over that wig. Or I was going to have to take it off, and go put it back on its wig head, then get my top off, then get the wig back on, and I […]
As is a time honoured tradition around these parts! Today we also observe removing the thong very quickly afterwards.