Going to start with the new content, but don’t worry — when I send out your roundups at the end of the month, I’m going to include a ton of old Halloween content! (If I can figure it out, I might try and push some old posts up to the front again. We’ll see! I’m […]
It sure has been a little bit of A Month for me, but don’t worry — there’s going to be so much bullshit up for Halloween this year. You know how I fucking love Halloween. And we’re building the Blood Pool at Dangerous Ladies again this year. I really do mean We, but I’m really […]
Did I say that last month with the yoga pants look? I full on don’t remember, LOL. I could scroll back and look, but am I going to? Absolutely not.So you’ll have to tell me — is it just me, or is there something so sexy about some really casual pants, almost falling off? I […]
Have I already complained about having a hard time getting photographers to keep their appointments with me? lollll, if I have I’m sorry, but here we are again. I actually rushed Mahito as a cosplay, because I was supposed to do a shoot with a specific photographer who was excited about him …. and instead […]
Honestly, thought Mahito would be a one and done kind of cosplay — most of the time I don’t love wearing long wigs, and I’m not huge on how they look on me (maybe as a result of knowing how uncomfortable and gross I felt while I was in the wig, lol) — but I […]
I’ve been trying to do at least one because, well, between you and me, I make a lot more money on them on OnlyFans. And I just love paying my rent and eating so much. So yeah, here’s another set in which, yes, I look very hot, but I’m also just meh about it because […]
To be entirely honest with you, I’ve played a lot of Zelda games … but they’re really not my favourites. I hate the dungeons, I’m sorry. They’re awful. LOL. I had the most fun of any Zelda in Breath of the Wild, where it let me burn a truly shocking amount of the world down. […]
Something that I’ve talked about before, definitely, and something that you’re probably already familiar with if you’re either very cool, or at least follow me on social media. Interview with the Vampire. It’s just … it’s really good, ok? And I have such a mad crush on Assad Zaman, I don’t even know how to […]
Thanks for sticking with me! My posting’s been just a little spotty — everything’s still going up, just in chunks instead of one a day. I’m trying to balance a few different new things and it’s going …. alright, depending on the day, lol. Content went out for everyone on the 1st, though, so make […]