At least for now! This is all that I did of him, photos-wise, but I’m sure 9S will be back soon. Or someone being a Boywife, impossible to say at this point!
I’m a big fan of these clothed but nude photos lately — can you tell? And I have to say, the 2B nudes are gorgeous, but I ESPECIALLY love these. Might just be that I’ve been enjoying cosplaying boys so much recently, though.
I’m just imagining these titles like upbeat ye olde-times Infographics, a la fallout. Old timey announcer just going “Yeah, see, ya gotta get to know yet new boy wife, see, or else how’re you gonna make ’em comfortable? Comfort’s so important, so he’ll put out!”
Like those old energizer battery commercials, if you remember those. They just keep going, and going, and going …Which, let me tell you, is never less true than when you have a battery operated vibrator. Then they always die when you need them most.
More wedding, you say? But how? How could that be so? We’ll just go ahead and pretend this is a harem anime, and this is your new boy wife! I just thought Nines deserved in on the fun, too.
At least with 2B … you remember, there’s the boy wife segment coming up next! I think you’ll probably enjoy that one too.
But specifically that leggie over head photo, let’s do that again. Just with less panty.
I put some tailoring work into this bodysuit, so make sure you take a good look and appreciate it! (The base bodysuit was actually pretty good, though.) Without the little bikini top, which doesn’treally belong, even if it’s cute.
I know I said yesterday they were coming up — well surprise! You didn’t need to wait long at all. So let’s start with 2B! We’ve been seeing 9S a lot lately, so she can have a turn.